Exoteryc version dimensions: 74,5 x 60 cm (supports 200 kg) Prestige version dimensions: 70 x 55 cm (supports 200 kg) Stainless steel anti-magnetic structure supports a specially treated base to set up a turntable or other components.

Available only for Exoteryc Rack. Dimensions: 72,5 x 57 cm (supports 200 kg). It’s made of two-thirds natural minerals (ATH-Aluminium trihydride) and a low percentage of high ressistance resins.

Available only for Master Rack also floor platform versio Dimensions: 85 x 67,5 cm (supports 200 kg). It’s made of Carbon, Kevlar, Krion and MDF multilayer damping material.

Available in 2 versions: 74,5 x 60 cm / 70 x 55 cm. (each model supports 200 kg). *Special versions upon request. Maintains structural resonance point below 6,5 c/s. Damping pads included. Neopreno and teflon depending on room acoustics.

While other companies search for solid materials with good anti-vibrational response, Artesania Audio has developed racks without shelves and totally isolated. The result is that the electronics generate sound behaviors as were initially preconceived. The materials used have natural high frequencies.
The combination with the cushioning material achieves the resonance amplitude is very low, even with very high dynamic range (90 db). The shelves are supported by polyamide insulating discs and pads neoprene maximum absorption and blocking features (preventing possible movements
of horizontal traslation). The discs are supported on adjustable steel needles, located on the metal racks (to decrease transmision). We placed four needles support because the mass of the equipment is not uniform.
Regardless of this fact, in case that for aesthetic reasons or the electronics measuring less than 11 cm wide, our company has shelves as well.

Isolation bases adjustable on height to enhance the sound performance of any audio component (Speakers/Turntables/Electronics…) Exchangeable bases made out of Teflon, Neoprene or Beech wood depending on result desired. Available on different diameters, 100 mm Exoteryc Base / 60mm Prestige Base / 30mm Isolator base.
Bases come with screw-in adapters (must be specified) 4mm / 6mm / 8mm

Upgrade for our isolation discs in Beech Wood Support each of the electronic components (without any need for shelves). Easy installation facilitated by an elastic insert wich provides stability to place electronic components on the adjustable spikes.
Upgrade for our isolation discs on Exoteryc / Prestige / Aire platform

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