Sextet V16 is the new for 2016 revision* of the “original” Varidig Sextet.
The Sextet V16-T has a STEALTH tuning collar**, the Sextet V16 (without the “T”) doesn’t have that collar.
Except for the tuning collar, the V16 and the V16-T are identical.
The Sextet V16 cables are available in S/PDIF (coax, 75 Ohms ) RCA-to-RCA, RCA to BNC, and BNC to BNC configurations, and balanced AES/EBU (110 Ohms, XLR-to-XLR) configurations; BNC to BNC Sextet can also be made in 50 Ohms configuration – on a special request. Since the Sextet cables are made by hand – i.e. NOT by a machine, we can make them in about ANY realistic characteristic impedance – say, from 20 Ohms to well over 200 Ohms, but a need for such cables comes very seldom.
It took two years to improve on the Sextet V14 -T and design and test the V16-T version**. The main difference is in the tuning collar’s “active” media – which is a proprietary, STEALTH-made conductive ferromagnetic composite, versus non-conductive ferrite in the V14 version. Below are our beta-testers comments on STEALTH Sextet V14-T and V15/V16-T. Please note that V15 and V16 versions are exactly the same (the difference is ONLY in markings !) , while the (previous) V14 version is different by design, markings and sound.